
The Playgroup House is a loving, exciting play based learning experience for children two to three years old. Our lead teachers have Masters Degrees in Family and Child Therapy and in Social Work with substantial experience focused on children progressing from toddlerhood to preschool. We nurture in a warm environment your child’s growing sense of self and curiosity for the world.

As the teachers help the children make sense of their social and emotional worlds, your child engages each day in different learning opportunities, a sensory experience, manipulative toys, dramatic play, art projects, always in play with children. While children explore the different play, materials and toys, teachers reinforce difficult concepts like turn taking, limit setting, and separation (“mama always comes back”) through stories, play, reflection of feeling, and careful attention to your child’s needs.

We at The Playgroup House support the philosophy of child-led learning, where each child is enabled and encouraged to move through the playroom at his or her own pace. Teachers may guide but never interfere with the play process. We believe creativity and personal growth and development comes from a child’s freedom to play. While The Playgroup House is not a “therapeutic group,” the activities and reflections we use are psychologically sound and grounded in research on child development. Our goal is to have each child leave our class every day wanting to come back for more.